Youth Action Board (YAB)

Youth Action Board (YAB)

The Youth Action Board (YAB) is a sponsored program of the Prince George’s County Department of Social Services that was established in 2019 and is the decision-making body of youth and young adults (YYA) with lived experience of homelessness or housing...

Speaker: Shannon McGhee, LCSW

Shannon McGhee is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) with a desire and commitment to infuse her Yoga and Clinical experience and expertise to offer an alternative to traditional therapy within the Black Community (Community).  Historically, the concept of...

Entertainment: Spotlight Over The City

Spotlight Over The City is an internet radio/tv show hosted by the dynamic husband & wife duo–The Long Team (Stan & Terri Long). Each and every week, we highlight all things entertainment, community based events, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs,...