I’m Chris Bolden, an entrepreneur from Washington DC. After leaving the military and working several years for WMATA as a track repairer. I started my business after my younger brothers untimely death in December 2016. Which started off with just family and friends in the neighborhood wearing shirts I made with my brothers favorite saying on them. Which lead to researching the clothing business which seemed like a win the way shirt orders were coming in. I kept creating and untimely turned those shirts into over $500,000 worth of item being sold all over the world. Opening a store front on Rhode Island Ave and getting deal with Shoe City and I’m currently partnered with Walmart. Through my journey I have given back to local communities and have events like back to school drives , Christmas and Thanksgiving giveaways every single year. I have make rounds to local schools to talk to students about life. As a small business owner I know the struggles of maintaining a business so I also created an online course and wrote a book that’s explains how to start and maintain a clothing brand. My mission is to inspire and Spread The Love