Iyana Nicole Zion Brumfield, crowned as Miss Black USA Talented Teen 2023, is a beacon of hope and resilience in the fight against bullying. With her platform, “A Voice For The Bullied,” Iyana draws from her personal experiences to inspire, empower, and...
Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, rapper, singer, producer and entrepreneur Iz LaMarr is a beautiful consequence of his experience growing up in LA, then moving to New York to study music at NYU. After picking up piano and guitar at the age of eight, he...
Sheldon Silvers aka known as the Prince of Beat Ya Feet is a Washington native. Founder and Artistic Director of ShellShock DC and Release Project, member of Culture Shock, Washington Wizards Dance Team and Washington Commandforce Captain. YOSHELLZ is a dancer,...
Marcus Isaiah, a Washington DC native, Alum of Suitland High School Center for the Visual and Performing Arts. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance and Choreography from VCU in Richmond, Virginia. Isaiah is the Director of Dance at The Conway Academy, Creative...
“It’s a MOVEment where everyBODY Thrives” Kangoo Bounce presented by JamzFit, as featured on Fox5, CBS, ABC, YELLE for the Cult ATL, S.O.N.GGet ready to bounce into fitness with Kangoo Bounce! Join us for an exhilarating performance and demo session where you can...
data-link="https://photos.app.goo.gl/swytpwKfLAtBPUap7" data-title="Apr 29, 2023 - The Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.) Youth Mental Health Expo, 2nd Annual" data-description="490 new items added to shared album" data-delay="2" EVENT DETAILS On Saturday, April 29, 2023...